Staged Readings of New Plays | Open Playwriting Workshops
Free | Tickets or Reservations Not Required
Staged Readings
Saturday, March 17 | 3:30 pm
The Intelligence Man
Written by Eileen O’Leary
Directed by Erik Andrews
Dramaturgy by Lenora Inez Brown
Synopsis: Lucas Moss, a factory worker, is made head of a new federal intelligence agency in the Trump Administration.
Sunday, March 18 | 2:30 pm
In Appalachia, Apertures
Written by Brandon North
Directed by Robert Lucchesi
Dramaturgy by Les Hunter
Synopsis: Erica and Tyler Ricks are a couple working for an online magazine, currently compiling a photo essay about religiously themed billboards in Appalachia. While on assignment, Erica and Tyler become fascinated with the Root family, particularly the teenaged Jackson, whose obsessively taken photographs have supernatural effects. The Root family’s past trauma is exacerbated by the Ricks’ prodding, the middle-aged Joe’s drinking problem, and the elderly Lester’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease. The Ricks’ constant reopening of old wounds leads to several tragic events. Jackson and his sister Maggie must face these grim realities with new knowledge as shown to them by Erica and Tyler, who themselves are thrown into the Root family’s crisis.
Friday, April 6|7:00 pm
Concussive Blast
Written by Tom Hayes
Directed by Sean Derry
Dramaturgy by David Todd
Synopsis: A veteran confronts the domestic conditions presented by his narcissistic mother, while facing the psychological, emotional, and physical challenges of returning home from war.
Presented with None Too Fragile Theatre at 1835 Merriman Road, Akron, Ohio 44313
Saturday, March 17 | 11:00 am
The Smallest Stage: Writing the Tabletop Play
With Mike Geither and Amy Schwabauer
Cleveland-based playwrights Mike Geither and Amy Schwabauer discuss the creation of their recent “tabletop play,” The Accounts of the Warren County Fair as Observed by a Young Astronaut, and explain the nuts-and-bolts of writing in this exciting new mode.
Saturday, March 17 | 1:00 pm
The Character’s the Thing
With Mary E. Weems, Ph.D.
This interactive workshop will teach participants Dr. Mary Weems’ approach to developing new work, including two-character short plays which are character- rather than plot- driven. Please bring a one-three minute original monologue to the session.